Are you a person who runs and hides from conflict? Or scared to call that meeting because of that over powering stakeholder who does not get the idea of 'consensus'? Conflict lets you know that you've found the right mark as if people get challenging, then that means they care. You have found something they are passionate enough to get motivated on - so you should PURSUE it! No hiding here for fearless BA super heroes!

One of the best things you can do with conflict is to turn it from a "me versus you" scenario to an "us versus it" scenario. Take the conflict and throw it on the wall (yes the topic here, it's not a person!) - white board works great! I love to take an idea, concept or discussion point and write it on the wall big so that we - the whole team, those in the room, online and in email - have something to now attack with that same passion that got us worked up in the first place. You and I now sit and TOGETHER talk about how you and I will overcome the obstacle. Now it is you and me figuring out a solution together that brings the business value we are seeking. Now the true passion brings out energy and a fire that helps us all be super heroes to overcome the challenge!
Love to hear further ideas on dealing with conflict! Check me out on Twitter @jamie_champagne to see all my conference highlights as well as other's thoughts!
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